Back to School Safety Reminder

Back to School Safety Reminder

As our District 92.5 students head back to the classrooms on August 21, we urge all community members to practice extra caution on the roads. Please be mindful of increased pedestrian traffic, especially near schools and bus stops. Remember to:

  • Drive carefully and watch for children crossing the street.

  • Obey all traffic signals and speed limits.

  • Slow down in school zones and obey flashing lights.

  • Stop for school buses as they load and unload children - never pass them from behind or on an undivided road when the lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended.

  • Avoid distractions and keep an eye out for our littlest pedestrians.

  • Follow the school's specific drop-off procedures to keep kids safe and avoid double parking as it hinders visibility for other drivers and pedestrians.

  • Stop for crossing guards and always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.

  • Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians.

  • Give bicyclists plenty of space and check your side mirrors before opening your door.

  • Carpool to reduce the number of vehicles on the road.

  • Always use extreme caution and remain vigilant to avoid striking pedestrians and bicyclists wherever they may be, no matter who has the right of way.

Safety is essential: According to the National Safety Council, most children who lose their lives in bus-related incidents are between 4 and 7 years old and are on foot. These tragedies often occur when a motorist illegally passes a stopped bus. Simple precautions like stopping for school buses can save lives.

Let's ensure a safe and joyful start to the new school year for everyone. Thank you for keeping our community safe! For more detailed driving tips, visit the National Safety Council's Guide

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