Broadview-Westchester Joint Water Agency
The fourth Thursday of each month in the Courtroom of the Village of Broadview located at 2550 25th Avenue, Broadview Illinois at 5:00 pm.
Katrina Thompson
Mayor - Broadview
Greg Hribal
President - Westchester
Letisa Jones
Member - Broadview
Peter Marzano
Trustee - Westchester
David Scalise
Member - Broadview
Barry Krumstok
Member - Westchester
The Broadview-Westchester Joint Water Agency personnel, are responsible for the operation and maintenance of the 24” water line, the 10th Avenue Pump Station building, and for monitoring the internal systems of their customers. The station and the portions of their customers systems are monitored and operated with a SCADA system that uses radio frequencies to transmit information from each of the components of the Agency’s system as well as key components of their customers systems. This information is displayed on a large screen at the 10th Avenue Pump Station and the personnel use this information to make adjustments in the operation of the system. The Agency personnel have I-Pads that allow them to view the information from the 10th Avenue station remotely and make adjustments.
Broadview-Westchester Joint Water Agency